






Future Advances in Pressure Sensitive Tapes


There are several macro-trends that are occurring in the pressure sensitive tape industry. Those that are worthy of noting are:
  • Emphasis on productivity - integrated manufacturing, reduced factory requirements, reduced cost
  • Packaging design - smaller size products, prepackaged foods, and convenience items
  • Environmental awareness- environmental regulations, pollution free processes, design for disassembly, recycling
  • New materials development - lower cost, low VOCs and HAPs, improved performance properties (e.g., nanomaterials, composites, hybrid tape construction)
  • Security - tamper evident tapes, tape that is traceable back to supplier
  • Multitasking - providing more than only a joining function

These trends can be divided into two categories: downstream (production, raw materials, formulation, etc.) and upstream (new product development, customer service marketing, etc.).

压敏胶粘带的发展前景 Downstream

Tape and label manufacturers are trying to move away from solvent technology whenever possible. Hot melt, water-based, and UV/EB curable systems are being developed and making inroads in applications once devoted to solvent-based systems. Significant emphasis will remain on the cost to produce the product. Technologies that allow a reduction in coating weight or a decrease in the raw materials cost will be highly valued.

Temperature resistance has always been an issue when selecting pressure sensitive tapes for certain applications. Conventional PSAs are thermoplastic in nature and susceptible to creep at moderate temperatures. To solve these issues, tape manufacturers and end-users are increasingly going to UV cured, high performance PSAs. Acrylics, modified polyurethanes, silicones, and SBS/SIS rubber can be UV crosslinked.

Manufacturers can also achieve better heat and creep resistance by adding to the formulation materials that allow for crosslinking after application. Multiple component reactive and moisture curing PSAs are two technologies that may sprout new products via chemical crosslinking. Styrene butadiene copolymers and polyurethanes already can provide a degree of heat resistance through physical crosslinking (other than chemically induced reactions). Nanoparticles in the PSA and in the backing material will also likely be used to achieve such goals in the future.

压敏胶粘带的发展前景 Upstream

Like many other industries, the tape Industry is becoming increasingly fragmented into one of two camps - those producing INSERT INTO [lzx].[dbo].[tb_new]([id],[type],[title],[source],[personal],[image],[contents],[time],[number]) VALUES (1) low priced, commodity products or INSERT INTO [lzx].[dbo].[tb_new]([id],[type],[title],[source],[personal],[image],[contents],[time],[number]) VALUES (2) high value added, specialized products consolidated.

Key drivers to new market opportunity will be customer service, production flexibility, custom made products, greater specializing and increased demand for new and improved backings (e.g., film materials, medical membranes, etc.) Large volume commodity applications will continue to feed the industry. However, niche markets (e.g., temperature indicating labels, security protection, instant advertising) promise to spur future growth. The simple pressure sensitive tape will increasingly be asked to perform multiple functions.

One of the drivers for the tape market is the increase in prepackaged foods, such as freezer section meat and vegetables. This will necessitate low temperature adhesives. Another major growth area is office and security tapes. Security is also becoming a mega-trend affecting many industries in different ways. Tamper evidence tape for product inspection and identification is a future growth area for pressure sensitive tape.

There will be continued demand for high performance, high speed, and automatic splicing tapes as manufacturers continue to increase production speed. Double sided or mounting tapes will clearly be finding more applications replacing mechanical fastening or spot welds. They are increasingly being used as an alternative to fastening with conventional chemically reactive soft glues.

Several applications are appearing in the medical markets with PSAs that incorporate active ingredients such a nicotine, vitamins, and medications. These adhesive tapes stick to the skin and allow the medications to diffuse at a known rate without interacting with the drug.

Electronics designers need materials that are rugged, durable, and lightweight. Advances in tapes enable them to bond, seal, and absorb shock. They are easy to apply, lightweight, and can be die cut to fit the smallest and mos

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